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How Much Is Your Life Insurance Policy Worth?

Canadian Life Settlements is a direct buyer of life insurance policies, helping seniors get the maximum benefit from their policies.

Free Policy Estimate


Free Policy Estimate

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An agent will contact you within 2 business days to discuss your policy in detail.

If you have any questions or would like to speak directly with a representative, please call us toll-free at: 1-866-888-5456 or email us at

Meet Reford MacDougall, a celebrated Quebecer and Order of Canada recipient. Facing a long retirement and rising inflation, Reford turned to Canadian Life Settlements. With our help, he was able to convert his life insurance policy into a significant cash sum, freeing him from the burden of premiums and enriching his retirement lifestyle.

How a Life Settlement Can Benefit You

Fund Retirement

A life settlement provides immediate access to a lump sum of cash, which can be used to address a variety of needs, such as paying off high-interest debts, covering unexpected medical expenses, or simply enhancing your retirement lifestyle.

Maximizing Policy Value

Life settlements often yield more than the cash surrender value offered by insurance companies, ensuring you get the maximum possible return from your policy, reflecting its true market value.

Relief from Premium Payments

By selling your life insurance policy, you eliminate the need to continue paying premiums, reducing financial strain and allowing you to reallocate those funds to other priorities or investments.

Securing Long-Term Care and Healthcare Needs

The proceeds from a life settlement can be crucial in securing quality healthcare or long-term care services. Additionally, settlements can be structured to provide payments over many years, giving you peace of mind that your long-term care needs will be consistently covered.

Life Settlements Featured On

Luis's Journey to Financial Freedom

He received $675,000 upfront for his $2,000,000 policy.

Luis realized that his life insurance premiums were becoming increasingly difficult to manage on his fixed retirement income. With his children grown and financially stable, he decided it was the right time to explore selling his policy.

He discovered Canadian Life Settlements and was impressed by their professional approach. The team at Canadian Life Settlements patiently listened to Luis's concerns and addressed all his questions, ensuring he felt comfortable with the process. 

Luis received $675,000 for his $2,000,000 policy. He now enjoys his retirement with greater financial security and peace of mind, free from the burden of monthly life insurance premiums.

Looking for More Information on Life Settlements and Life Advances in Canada?

Discover everything you need to know about monetizing your life insurance policy in our comprehensive Learning Center

Any questions left?


How does the Canadian Life Settlements program work?
Canadian Life Settlements has pioneered innovative financial solutions for individuals or companies who wish to utilize their life insurance assets now, in a manner that many don’t realize is possible. Canadian Life Settlements will review your existing life insurance policy(s) and determine if it can be used as collateral for an advance or if it is eligible for an outright sale. If you qualify, Canadian Life Settlements will offer you access to the Fair Value of your policy either through an advance or by purchasing your policy and in either case will take over the premium payments of your policy.
How is the amount of the Canadian Life Settlements advance or outright purchase determined?

The amount Canadian Life Settlements will pay you is based on several factors, including:

  • The projected life expectancy of the insured
  • The net death benefit of the life insurance policy
  • The projected amount of remaining life insurance policy premium payments
  • The type of policy and specific life insurance company

In most cases the amount Canadian Life Settlements will advance is considerably higher than the Cash Surrender Value that will be offered by your insurer, but is less than the policy’s death benefit.

Are there any restrictions on how I use the proceeds from my advance or outright sale?
No, there are no restrictions on how you use the funds advanced to you.  The money is yours to use as you wish.
How long does the Canadian Life Settlements process take?

There are several stages to the process. Generally, the Canadian Life Settlements process can provide you with a formal offer letter within five days of receiving a completed application and a verification of the eligibility and details of your life insurance policy.

Once you accept the offer, we will need to either change the life insurance policy’s ownership and beneficiary status to Canadian Life Settlements or, collaterally assign the policy to Canadian Life Settlements. This part of the process can take four to six weeks.  Once confirmation is received from the life insurance carrier, we can generally advance funds within two business days.

How will I receive my Canadian Life Settlements advance or the proceeds of sale to Canadian Life Settlements?

Once approved and processed, you will receive your advance either in a lump sum by cheque or wire to your bank, or periodic payments if that’s what you prefer with direct deposit to your bank account.

Who pays the premiums on my life insurance policy?
Canadian Life Settlements will take over payment of all remaining premiums on your life insurance policy whether you choose a Life Advance or a Life Settlement.
Are there fees associated with a Canadian Life Settlements advance or outright purchase?

Canadian Life Settlements offers a hassle-free program with zero application fees or extraneous expenses. An upfront fee is only required if medical underwriting is necessitated, but rest assured, this cost is fully reimbursed upon the successful completion of your life settlement transaction.

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