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Our Approach

There are six key steps to a life settlement.

1. Identifying The Need

You realize that due to your changing life circumstances, your policy is unneeded and/or impractical to your current life situation. Through research and/or speaking with one of our trained counselors, you discover the opportunity to realize immediate benefit from your asset and decide to learn more.

2. Application

You complete an application and provide necessary personal, health, and policy documentation to Canadian Life Settlements. Your personal information is protected by strict privacy guidelines. Go to Policy Valuation to begin this process.

3. Review

Our insurance and medical experts complete their due diligence, determining whether the policy is viable for either a Transfer For Life or an Advancement For Life. Several factors determine which is the more viable option. Canadian Life Settlements may also determine that a policy does not qualify.

4. Offer

If Canadian Life Settlements decides to make an offer on the policy, it relays the offer to you and/or your financial advisor.

5. Closing Package

If you accept the offer, a closing package of contractual paperwork is delivered to you and/or your financial advisor for review and signatures.

6. Funds Transfer

Upon written verification of change of beneficiary/ownership in the case of a Transfer For Life or a beneficiary/collateral assignment in the case of an Advancement For Life, funds are transferred to you.

Need help?

Call us at (438) 801-2611
Mon – Fri: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

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